
Customer service

Warranty & Service

I have not received an email confirmation?

If you have placed the order with an account
Check if there was no error in your email address when logging into your account. If so, please correct it. Also check in your mailbox whether the e-mail confirming your order was not considered spam and placed in your 'unwanted e-mails'.

Was the email address you entered with your order incorrect? Then you can only change it to an email address that does not yet have an account in our webshop. If the e-mail address is already in use with another account, you must enter another valid e-mail address.

If you placed the order as a guest
Check in your mailbox whether the email confirming your order was not considered spam and placed in your 'junk mail'.

In case of doubt, don't hesitate to contact our customer service. Give us a call or send us an email. We can investigate what went wrong. We may email you a reset link with which you can create a (new) password and then log in to your account in our webshop.

My order is incomplete, wrong or damaged. What should I do?

Have you received a damaged item or the wrong item? Is an item missing from your order? We apologize for this.

If you have received a damaged or incorrect item, please contact our customer service before returning the items. We will contact you and offer the fastest and most pleasant solution to solve this matter.

Shipping costs are always reimbursed by Biker Outfit in case of incorrect delivery.

I have not received my order or it is lost. What should I do?

If an order from Biker Outfit cannot be found or cannot be traced, please contact our customer service. They will find out for you where your package is currently located and otherwise look for a solution.

I cannot use Klarna afterpay. Why doesn't it work?

It is possible that your order is not accepted by Klarna. Unfortunately, we cannot state the reason for this. The best is to contact Klarna.



My discount code doesn't work?

If your discount code doesn't work, it could be due to several reasons:
- You have already used your discount code;
- The period of validity of your discount code has expired;
- The items in your shopping cart are not eligible for the offer linked to the discount code;
- The discount code you used is not valid.

In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact our customer service. Give us a call or send us an email.

How long do I have a warranty on a product?

The legal guarantee applies to every product, which means that a product must do or be what you can reasonably expect from it.

In addition to the legal warranty, the manufacturer's warranty also applies. If there is a manufacturer's warranty, you can find this on the official website of the manufacturer. The manufacturer's warranty does not affect the legal warranty.

You only have a warranty with a well-founded complaint. The complaint is valid if it is not caused by:
- damage due to intent or negligence (for example, washing, fall and/or impact damage)
- improper use or negligent maintenance
- normal wear and tear and/or damage due to non-compliance or incorrect observance of the instructions for use

Can't find it? No problem, we are happy to help you. It is best to email [email protected] with your question.

What about warranty on REVIT samples?

Articles from the REV'IT sample collection are NOT part of the regular REV'IT factory warranty.

Other questions about service & warranty?

Provide a clear description of the problem and possibly add photos that can clarify the problem with the product. We would also like to receive a copy of your purchase receipt, if the purchase of the product is not registered by name in our system.

In order to process a warranty request, we need the following information from you:
- First name last name
- Mobile phone number
- Mail address
- A description of the defect
- (Copy of) the purchase receipt
- If possible, a clear photo of the defect

You can send it to [email protected]

We then consult the manufacturer and investigate whether your application for warranty has been approved. As soon as we have feedback from the manufacturer, we will contact you and inform you about the possible next steps.

Can I send my warranty request by post?

If you want to send us an item for warranty research, please contact in advance our customer service. They can indicate whether your defective item qualifies for a warranty research and can be processed by us.

If your item qualifies for a warranty research and you want to send it to us by post, that's no problem. We request to include this return form with your shipment. This way we know upon arrival from whom the shipment comes and that this concerns a warranty request.